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ChatBacklinkBot - Discover Backlinks with a Chatbot

From Keywords to Backlinks, All in One Click! Let ChatBacklinkBot be Your SEO Powerhouse!

ChatBacklink Bot - Discover backlinks & keywords with AI powered chatbot | Product Hunt

Now to Boost Your SEO Effectiveness

Embark on the Journey with ChatBacklinkBot !

Boost Your SEO Results, Effortlessly Discover Backlinks

Automatic indexing

Instant Google indexing: Get your pages indexed within 48 hours, hassle-free! Boost your visibility and drive more traffic now.

ChatBacklinkBot - Your Link Discovery Chatbot

Boost Your SEO Results, Effortlessly Discover Backlinks

  • backlinks

    Extract backlinks to quickly acquire valuable external linking resources.

  • Analytics

    Analyze webpage keywords to help you understand your competitors' SEO strategies.

  • Emails

    Email extraction functionality to help you build a network of contacts, Built-in email templates to streamline your communication process

Automatic indexing

Everything you need to automate your page indexing

  • Sync your sitemaps

    Your sitemaps will be synced every 24hrs to check for any new pages to be added.

  • Check index status

    We automatically check the live index status of pages to check when pages are indexed.

  • Automatic indexing

    Set your indexing on auto pilot, and let us handle submitting your pages each day.

Empowering Your Link Discovery

ChatBacklinkBot - Your SEO Weapon for Explosive Website Traffic Growth

  • 500+

    Assisted over 500 SEO professionals in enhancing their link discovery capabilities.

  • 100k+

    Analyzed over 100,000 webpage keywords, providing insights into competitors' SEO strategies..

  • 50k+

    Extracted over 50,000 backlinks, offering valuable external linking resources to users.

  • 10k+

    Helped extract over 10,000 valid email addresses, expanding users' network of contacts.

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? feel free to contact us.

  • 1. What is the Chat Backlink Bot?

    The Chat Backlink Bot is an AI-powered tool that helps users find backlinks, extract keywords from webpages, extract email addresses from webpages, and generate email templates.

  • How does the Chat Backlink Bot find backlinks?

    The Chat Backlink Bot uses web crawling techniques to analyze websites and identify the links pointing to a specific domain or webpage.

  • Can the Chat Backlink Bot search for specific types of backlinks?

    Yes, the Chat Backlink Bot can search for different types of backlinks, including dofollow, nofollow, internal, and external links.

  • Can the Chat Backlink Bot extract email addresses from any webpage?

    The Chat Backlink Bot can extract email addresses from webpages where they are publicly available or mentioned in the text. However, it may not be able to extract email addresses from pages that are protected or require authentication.

  • Is the Chat Backlink Bot legal to use?

    Yes, the Chat Backlink Bot operates within the bounds of legality. However, it's important to ensure that you comply with applicable laws and regulations when using the tool, such as respecting privacy policies and obtaining necessary consent.

  • Can the Chat Backlink Bot affect my website's SEO?

    The Chat Backlink Bot itself does not directly impact your website's SEO. However, the information it provides, such as backlink analysis and keyword extraction, can help you make informed decisions to improve your SEO efforts.

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Chat Backlink Bot

Boost Your SEO Results, Effortlessly Discover Backlinks

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